11+ years of recruitment
3200 vacancies filled
700k CVs in our database
96% clients came from recommendations
Our clients

How it works
What the Mantis team do?
Our cutting-edge search and match algorithm puts your job ad in front of the right candidate at the right time and in the right place
We uncover hidden, high-quality passive, now working candidates across diverse online platforms
How do we succeed?
We place exceptional local top talent, especially in tech, digital, marketing, finance and sales roles.
We use our own in-house tech to find the perfect talent fit, based on experience, skills and background.
We have special access to all the candidates in the country thanks to being part of Rabota.md job board.
Our look-a-like search and convincing messages for candidates deliver visible results in the first week.
We don′t just send you any candidate, we qualify them through interviews to validate all key aspects required first.
Recruit effortlessly with Mantis and enjoy peace of mind with a 90-day free replacement guarantee.
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Contact info
65 Stefan cel Mare, Street,
Republic of Moldova
Republic of Moldova
+373 79640444